Cesar Chavez

I think we should name the school Cesar Chavez . He protested on a nonviolent way. Also he was a civil right activist  who was fighting for people.Cesar got his Medal of Freedom.

Cesar Chavez protested to get people his votes backs.


I want to change this year. I will want to be a dj. Also want to read more. Lastly want to spend more time with others.

I want to be a dj. I will learn from my friends and cousins. Also I go to party’s with Eric because he knows how to use one. Lastly I will get light’s and dj stuff and party with friends.

I will spend more time reading. I will start reading more every day. Also I will read with my brother and teach them how to read with them. Lastly I will read all day with family.

I will spend more time with others. I will want to spend time with my family. Also I will invite my friends.

I’m going to change this year.  I’m going to be a dj and read more want to spend time with others I will complicate these goals.


I am thankful for family.

it is cringe, funny loving.

i see my dad, mom, brother and other brother.

I love how we make fun of each other

I am thankful for family

i feel happy when i eat